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ECPP Submission 2023


Abstract Due Date: Friday, MARCH 31, 2023 NOW CLOSED

Presentation Date: Wednesday, maY 3, 2023

Awards Ceremony to follow

The NIST chapter of Sigma Xi invites all early-career researchers to present a poster for our annual event. The poster content should focus on your NIST research topic (or research from a previous institution if you are new to NIST).  The Early-Career Poster Presentation will be held in-person on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 in the NIST Gaithersburg Building 101 Hall of Flags with three sessions: 1o:00 am-11:45 am EDT (BIO/CHEM/MATH), 12:00 pm-1:45 pm EDT (MATER/POLY), and 2:00 pm-3:45 pm EDT (PHYS/ENG & MAN/CS).  Snacks and refreshments will be provided during all sessions. Poster presentation location and times will be assigned to each participant prior to the event. All participants and attendees are invited to an awards reception at the end of the day (4:30 pm EDT, Building 101 Heritage Room) where light fare will be served, NIST Director Laurie Locascio will give brief remarks, and the three most outstanding posters from each session will be announced.

Additionally, to accommodate those outside the DC metro area (Boulder, Charleston, etc.), a limited number of slots will be available for live remote presenters at the event.  These spots will be filled on a first-come basis.

Rules and regulations

  • Presentation eligibility: NIST staff and associates who have earned their terminal degree within the last seven years.

  • Awards eligibility: NIST staff and associates who have earned their terminal degree within the last five years.

  • You must have your research advisor or direct manager’s permission.

  • One submission per presenting author.

  • The abstract limit is 500 words. Text only; no charts or figures, please.

  • There are no specific regulations regarding poster orientation or dimensions, but please keep your poster of reasonable size. A typical poster is 4’ x 3’.

  • Anonymous judges from across NIST will review your poster and presentation on the day of the event. At the end of the day, six “outstanding” and three “most outstanding” posters will be announced and the recipients will receive a spiffy plaque during the following weeks.

A registration fee of $25 for Sigma Xi members and $50 for non-Sigma Xi members will be paid by the operation unit (OU) of each registrant.

Please contact Organizing Committee Chair Nikolai Klimov or the NIST Sigma Xi Executive Board with any questions.