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NIST Sigma Xi Oustanding Service Awards

2023 Outstanding Service in Support of NIST Research Scientists

Ami Reisinger, Materials and Structural Systems Division Headquarters, EL

For her expert and proactive execution of administrative and financial requirements for the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and statutory programs for the NCST, NEHRP, and NWIRP.

2022 Outstanding Service in Support of NIST Research Scientists

Qiang (Alan) Ye, Neutron-Condensed Matter Science Group, NCNR

For technical excellence and superb dedication going above and beyond in support of the NCNR and neutron users.

2018 Outstanding Service in Support of NIST Research Scientists

Donald Pierce, Research Facility Operations Group, NCNR

For exceptional support of numerous scientific projects at NCNR, and for leadership of the instrument engineering team.

2018 Outstanding Service in Support of the NIST Chapter of Sigma Xi

M. Lorna de Leoz, Mass Spectrometry Data Center, Biomolecular Measurement Division, MML

For continued, sustained enthusiasm and exceptional support of the chapter and its activities throughout her tenure at NIST

Outstanding Service in Support of the NIST Chapter of Sigma Xi

Greg Boyland and the crew at Dogfish Head Alehouse for all their help and support for the Sigma Xi Postdoctoral Poster Presentation.