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Katharine B. Gebbie Young Scientist Award

The Sigma Xi Katharine B. Gebbie Young Investigator Award honors early career researchers at NIST. These researchers are invited to give seminars on their work as part of the recognition. Abstracts are included below, where available.

Awardees include:


Dr. Nicole Yunger Halpern, Quantum Measurement division, pml, nist

Beyond the First Law: Peculiarly Quantum Conservation in Thermodynamics

The ideal quantum computer evolves in isolation. In practice, though, every quantum system exchanges quantities with an environment. Conserved globally (across the system-and-environment composite), these quantities are called charges. Examples include energy and particles. Charge exchange leads to thermalization and information loss, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. For decades, charges were implicitly assumed, in thermodynamic arguments, to be simultaneously measurable—to be compatible. Yet incompatibility underlies quantum error correction, uncertainty, and measurement disturbance. What happens to thermodynamics if charges can be incompatible, or fully quantum? This question, mostly overlooked for decades, has engendered a growing subfield. Incompatible charges have been found to enhance entanglement, decrease entropy production, and alter basic assumptions behind thermalization. This subject illustrates how 21st-century quantum information science is transforming 19th-century thermodynamics.


Dr. Alexander Grutter, NIST Center for Neutron Research

Lost in reciprocal space: Metrology for Futre Quantum Material Device Platforms

As our ability to speed up and shrink down microelectronics fades, there is a race to build devices which operate in fundamentally differently ways from traditional Silicon-based electronics. Whether for ultra-low power nonvolatile memory or fault tolerant quantum computers, these devices are typically based on thin films of new materials supporting exotic physics. Precision metrology of these new material platforms, especially at surfaces at interfaces, is critical to understanding their behavior and unlocking new applications. In this talk, I will describe how we employ neutron reflectometry to provide a sub-Ångstrom resolution picture of thin film structures. Using the unique sensitivity of the neutron, we can watch hydrogen move or detect a single atomic monolayer of magnetized atoms, revealing the physics which can support a new generation of quantum material devices.


Dr. ALBERT RIGOSI, quantum measurement Division, PML, NIST

using the quantum hall effect in graphene for defining the ohm

Did you know that the United States recently became the first nation to use graphene in how the unit of the ohm is defined? Monolayer epitaxial graphene has been shown to have clearly superior properties for the improvement of devices whose function depend on the quantum Hall effect and serve a critical role in defining electrical units for US industries. Recent progress in device development will be summarized, including: (1) Stabilizing and controlling graphene’s electron density over centimeter scales to ensure viable commercialization. (2) Expanding the utility of these graphene-based devices by creating arrays that use superconducting electrical contacts. (3) Exploring p-n junctions as a possible future device to access many different quantum Hall resistance values. 


Dr. David Long, Chemical Sciences Division, MML, NIST

Optical spectroscopy: frequency combs, radiocarbon, microcavities, and satellites

The work of myself and my collaborators has focused upon the application of novel highly sensitive spectroscopic techniques to present problems in atmospheric chemistry, atomic physics, and metrology. We have developed a wide range of cavity-enhanced instruments in which an optical cavity (i.e., a pair of highly reflective mirrors to form a resonator) serves to dramatically increase the instrument’s sensitivity by allowing for tens or even hundreds of thousands of transits through the absorbing medium. This has enabled spectroscopic measurements of radiocarbon (14C) for application areas such as dating and source apportionment. In addition, this instrumentation has allowed for the production of reference data to support atmospheric remote sensing by satellites. Further, we have developed approaches for the generation of optical frequency combs which allow for multiplexed, single-shot measurements of atomic and molecular gases. Finally, we have begun to apply these methods to the development of sensors based upon optical microcavities which offer exquisite sensitivity to external perturbations.   



Dr. Stephen Jordan, NIST Information Technology Laboratory

Dr. Nicholas Butch, NIST Center for Neutron Research
The Allure of Hidden Order

Among the unsolved mysteries of condensed matter physics, perhaps that most provocative is that of Hidden Order, an electronic phase that emerges at low temperatures in the intermetallic compound URu2Si2. Over the course of thirty years, many hundreds of publications have been devoted to its resolution, yet today experts still do not agree on what precisely is going on. In this talk, I will describe how interactions between bound and itinerant electrons lead to weird effects in crystals, and how such emergent behavior can serve as a platform for exotic physics. Along the way, I will highlight how neutron scattering measurements have helped us to better understand this enigma, and what we think may still be hiding.


Dr. Chandler Becker, MML Office of Data and Informatics and Materials Science and Engineering Division, MML, NIST

How can we find and use materials data to support our materials science?

One of the outcomes of the Materials Genome and other similar initiatives is an increase in the amount of materials science data now being generated and distributed.  Even more is on the way.  But how does a researcher find data or make data useful to someone else?  How does one know where to look, judge the quality of the data, or decide whether it is applicable?  This seminar will address several approaches to addressing these questions, including the development of a materials resource registry system to make finding materials data easier and work to facilitate the industrial use of molecular simulations of metallic materials.  It will also describe efforts to look across the boundaries between research disciplines to find applicable analysis approaches while recognizing that each research problem is unique.



Dr. Yun Liu, nIST Center for Neutron research

Dr. R. Joseph Kline, Materials Science and Engineering Division, MML, NIST

Visualizing Nanostructures with X-Rays

The semiconductor industry has revolutionized our way of life. It is hard to imagine life without all of our electronic gadgets. These electronics are made possible by tremendous technological advances in semiconductor manufacturing. The semiconductor industry has continuously shrunk the size of their transistors and memory cells for over 40 years following what is known as Moore’s Law. The devices have gone from macroscopic transistors nearly 1 mm in size to nanoelectronics under 20 nm in size. The latest generation of computer microprocessors have a minimum feature size of 14 nm, or about 30 silicon atoms across. This extreme scaling results in large increases in performance and power efficiency while decreasing the cost per transistor. In the near future, the industry will be manufacturing less than 10 nm features. These small features challenge the physical limits of current metrology tools. I will discuss the development of a new X-ray based measurement method with the potential to provide the needed resolution of the dimensions and shape of next generation semiconductor nanostructures. I will show examples of a series of nanostructures not possible to measure by other means.


Dr. Jeffrey Fagan, Materials Science and Engineering Division, MML, NIST

Researching carbon nanotubes through a colloidal science perspective

Dr. Gretchen K. Campbell, PML, NIST

Superfluid atom circuits


Dr. Jacob Taylor, PML, NIST

Optical solutions for quantum information challenges


Dr. Sheng Lin-Gibson, MML, NIST

Increasing the clinical longevity of polymeric dental materials through advanced measurements and reference materials

Dr. Kartik SrinivasaN, CNST, NIST

Strong light-matter Interactions in nanophotonic devices