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  • Building 101 Hall of Flags NIST Gaithersburg (map)

The NIST chapter of Sigma Xi invites all early-career researchers to present a poster for our annual event. The poster content should focus on your NIST research topic (or research from a previous institution if you are new to NIST).  The Early-Career Poster Presentation will be held in-person on Wednesday, May 3 in the NIST Gaithersburg Building 101 Hall of Flags with a morning session (1o:00am-12:30pm) and an afternoon session (1:00pm-3:30pm).  Refreshments will be provided during both sessions. Poster presentation location and times will be assigned to each participant prior to the event. All participants and attendees are invited to an awards reception at the end of the day (4:30pm, Building 101 Heritage Room) where light fare will be served and the outstanding/most outstanding posters will be announced.

Earlier Event: March 30
29th Annual PPP Event