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25th Annual Postdoctoral Poster Presentation

The NIST Chapter of Sigma Xi invites all NIST staff to join us for the Twenty-Fifth Annual NIST Sigma Xi Postdoctoral Poster Presentation (PPP). The PPP will take place on Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 in the Front Hall, and Lecture Rooms A and B of the Administration Building (Building 101). There will be two sessions: Session I (10:00 am to 12:30 pm) featuring categories Engineering (E), Information Technology (IT), Materials (Mat), Mathematics (Math) and Polymers (Po); and Session II (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm) featuring categories Biology (B), Biotechnology (Bt), Chemistry (C), and Physics (Ph).  Refreshments will be provided during both sessions. Please take this opportunity to meet NIST's newest researchers and to learn about the excellent work they are doing.

Later Event: March 31
28th Annual PPP Event